Monday, September 24, 2012

'Til Death Do Us Part...For Now.

Someone mentioned to me the other day that it's crazy that all brides and grooms stand up on their wedding day so happy and so sure that their love is going to last forever. And yet so many marriages end. So many spouses hurt each other, leave each other, destroy each other.

I've only been married a year, so I could hardly offer this person an abundance of advice or comfort. He or she has their reasons for doubting, and I wanted to be able to fix it. I'm no marriage expert, but I do have a few thoughts on the situation. 

It is scary. That someone else holds so much power to devastate my world. That I am trusting someone else with so much of my life, my security, my reality, my heart.

But you can't let it be scary. You can't focus on the people who didn't get it right. You have to decide that not getting it right is not an option.

You have to be wise in choosing. 
And once you choose...
You have to be determined.
You have to be committed.
You have to choose to love.
You have to give it everything you've got. 
You have to never let leaving be an option.
You have to realize the other person is just a person.
You have to lean on GOD to complete you, because other people can't help but hurt you sometimes.
You have to pray a lot.
You have to laugh a lot.
You have to talk a lot. 
You have to be honest with each other.

You can't let it be scary. 

You have to let it be fun.
You have to let it challenge you and teach you.
You have to grow.
You have to be best friends.
You have to have inside jokes and things that no one else understands.
You have to surround yourself with loving friends and family.
You have to make time for just the two of you.
You have to start traditions.
You have to be silly together.
You have to look out for each other and be each others biggest fan.
You have to forgive imperfections.

 You have to choose to be married. Today and every day. 
And so far, I've found marriage to be pretty awesome. 

(In this post, I am not suggesting that anyone stay in an abusive household.
 If that is the case with your family, you should seek counseling and stay somewhere safe.)

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