Tuesday, November 15, 2011

How's Married Life?

There are always those "small-talk" phrases that make people feel comfortable. "How's school?", "How's work?", "How's the wedding planning?"...

How's married life?

This question always causes me to pause for a moment. Do they want a simple answer? Do they want details? Really...what are the expecting me to say? That's it's bad? That I wish I had never gotten married? That single life was so much better? (None of which are the case.). So...

It's good. 

Sometimes I'll even throw in an anecdote about how Derrick says: "It's busy. Lots of Campbell."

So, how's married life? 

It's happy.
It's cozy.
It's busy.
It's fun. 
It's silly.
It's adult.
It's magical.
It's normal.
It's comfortable.
It's butterflies.
It's adventurous.
It's settled.
It's friendship.
It's romantic.
It's work.
It's love. 

And, for those who actually want the details. How's married life?

It's more normal than I could have imagined for Derrick and I to just be together. It isn't so much different than dating, but we don't have to say goodbye. We get sleep together. We get to do separate things together. It's not choosing his house or mine - it's hanging out at our house. It's comfortable, and we quickly settled into our routine. But being settled doesn't mean there aren't magical moments. Whether it's a moment full of romance or we're just watching a scary movie in our living room, it's passionate friendship and it's wonderful.

It's great to have a home of our own in so many senses of the word. We get to go grocery shopping together (Aldi is awesome). I get to cook supper for us, and we eat together. I clean, and he does the laundry. We watch television together. He works in his office while I read in bed. And I can't fall asleep until he's joined me. It's nice to have that place to come home to and that person to come home to. Our house has become our haven, but Derrick is  my home. 

It's being partners in life. Looking at our budget together and looking forward to making Christmas lists and deciding how much to spend on people. It's deciding what we want for supper and sharing our thoughts and passions. It's falling into place on who does what chores. Learning new things about each other. Figuring out the world - but doing it together. It's holding hands.

Married life is good. Great. But so much more than that.


  1. Awe... you guys are so amazing together. So glad to have been a part of your lives, both as a couple and not :)

  2. The above comment was from Kyndall :)
