Tuesday, June 28, 2011

To make him smile...

Too often we underestimate the power of a touch,
a smile, a kind word, a listening ear, an honest compliment, 
or the smallest act of caring,
all of which have the potential to turn a life around.  
~Leo Buscaglia

I have a challenge for everyone reading this. Especially if you are in a serious relationship. But, even if you're not, you can still keep this challenge in mind when dealing with parents, friends, siblings, relatives, coworkers, etc.

I think that relationships sometimes stumble, because we don't take time to think about the simple things. And sometimes the simple things are the ones that make all the difference in the world. So I challenge you to think of those things.

Today. Tomorrow. The next day. Do one thing for your significant other that will make them smile. And expect nothing in return. It's pretty simple...

Write a sweet email telling him five things you appreciate about him.

Watch her favorite show with her.

Scratch his back.

Tell her she looks beautiful.

Call to say good morning.

Cook his favorite meal.

Play her favorite song. Tell her that every time you hear it you think of her.

Leave a sticky note on the mirror saying "I love you".

Celebrate his coming home from work - and let him know that it's your favorite part of the day.

Bring up a memory of when you first fell in love.

Surprise her with her favorite ice cream or a copy of her favorite book.

Compliment him in front of others.

Hug her. A real, safe, forever kind of hug.

Dance in the kitchen. 

...get creative with your special person in mind. And don't just do it today or tomorrow...try to think of little ways to make him/her smile every day.

There is no effect more disproportionate to its cause
than the happiness bestowed by a small compliment.  
~Robert Brault

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