Friday, June 3, 2011

Facebook: Respect and Temptation

Today I had a little bit of a personal rant...about Facebook and the things people post. So please bare with me and listen.

First of all, why do people post pictures of themselves drinking and partying on facebook? I always wonder that. I see photos of girls completely plastered at parties...and they put them up proudly for their parents and preachers and teachers to see. It hardly makes sense to me. That's not really something I would be proud of.

Also, why do girls wear things like that...and then put the photos up for everyone to see? There are certain things that aren't flattering and certain parts of your body that are meant to be covered.

After all of that, girls wonder why guys don't respect them. How can you expect them to respect you when you don't even respect yourself? And how can you expect them to treat you like a lady when you don't act like one? I hate that these same girls are always complaining about not being able to find a good man. HELLO!

The most disheartening thing, other than the lack of respect that these girls have for themselves, is the lack of respect that they have for the good guys. There are guys who do their best not to tempt themselves. To stay true and faithful. To avoid temptation when at all possible. Guys who have girlfriends or who are looking for a girl that they can respect... Then they sign onto facebook - and they are met by that girl in the tini-bikini. The group of girls at the country concert in mini-skirts and lowcut tops. And, without even meaning to be, they are tempted.

I have a fiance that I love and that I trust. And the world is tempting him enough. I don't appreciate other girls putting things on facebook that could cause him to falter. And cause my insecurities to sky rocket.

While I'm ranting...I have seen wives post very revealing tini-bikini and partying pictures online. Husbands need to step up and stop that. Wives need to have more respect for themselves and their husbands. And this bothers me a lot.

(I promise that this has NOTHING to do with anything that happened with Derrick. There was no incident or issue...this was simply something that bothered me when looking at a photo album earlier)

You can call me insecure (and I have my moments). You can call me judgmental (I call 'em like I see 'em). But I feel much better now. Thank you.


  1. AMEN! I completely understand where you are coming from, especially during the summer!

  2. Agreed, dear Renee. :) Agreed.

  3. You are so right, Renee. I have seen many a thing on facebook and just "shuddered" as I saw them. People have no thought as to what a simple picture could do. Satan is so sly and will do anything to cause someone to stumble. Thanks for "ranting" today... I agree with everything you said!
