Monday, June 27, 2011


I haven't written in a while. I think of things to write about - but before I get the chance, they start to seem not so important or interesting. I don't like going too long without writing something though. So today I will just share some random facts, thoughts, truths.

I love when it storms at work - and wish that the current storm clouds hadn't passed over us. There's something amazing about being in a dry place, watching the madness out my wall of windows.

I'm more excited about being married than getting married. While I pray that our wedding is an amazing, beautiful time of celebration - I think that most people focus too much on weddings and not enough on marriages.I can't wait to have constant sleepovers with my best friend.

I have student ambassadors who bless me more than they will ever know. They are so much cooler than I was as a Campbell student. And I can't stand the thought of them graduating and leaving me. (I would stink at being a teacher.)

I have started eating apples every day. This is a big deal - seeing as most of my daily nutrition comes from chicken, bread, and potatoes.

I take baths. The bath tub and the tanning bed are the only two places that you can go and completely get away for just a little while.

I need to witness to others more. Most of the people I know think that they are saved. They think that they have a relationship with Jesus. But I'm afraid that that's not the case. And I don't know how to get them to see that.

Last week I watched the mini-series about the Kennedys (The Kennedys). It was brilliant, and I learned so much. I finished it in three days. And now I think of Jackie when I get dressed or make my hair a little bigger. She may have been a democrat, but she was classy. I think that Kate Middleton is the modern day Jackie Kennedy. Classy.

I hate spending money. I have been searching for linen pants and a black one-piece swimsuit for a year - but haven't felt like actually spending money to buy them.

I am ready to get my next book published. I think it's so much better than my first one. And I constantly pray that it will touch lives.

And, to end this, I will be Mrs. Green in 97 days :)

1 comment:

  1. In 96 days now I will get to photograph Mr. and Mrs. Green and I am excited. :) I hate spending money, too... right there with ya. Glad you are eating apples every day. I need to do more of that! I am quite happy you take baths. :P Being married is definitely something to be excited about... the ceremony is wonderful and such a special day, but it is the individual days in and out of life that make marriage what it is!!
