Tuesday, January 3, 2012

2012 - Make it count!

I can't believe it's a new year! Looking back on last year, there are so many wonderful things to cherish, memories to take away, and moments that changed my life. But I love the beginning of the new year. Standing on the brink - and having no idea what memories this year will hold. I can only pray to be used and blessed in a big way this year. And I hope that a year from now I will be looking back and laughing, smiling, cherishing a million memories, and seeing how much I grew in 2012. Seeing that I made a difference. Seeing that a difference was made in me.

I don't make resolutions. I'm not going to try to lose 10 pounds or walk every day. I make no promises. But I do want to make some goals. Dream a little about the next year. Project some things that I wish and hope will happen...and then work on making them a reality.

I easily could have edited these for you, but I wanted to share my heart. My flaws. My goals. My vulnerability. My weaknesses. Aside from a few very personal changes - the list below is my personal list, made in the quiet moments of reflection. Made for myself and shared with you. 

Grow in my relationship with God - I love my daily devotions and enjoy reading about the people in the Bible, desiring to learn God and Jesus more through all of their creation. I truly yearn for and thirst for God's Word and the stories within. But I still need to grow in so many ways. I need to pray more - take time to have a conversation with God. Be less selfish. Give to others more.  Minister more. WITNESS more. Share my faith more. Be more involved with believers. Still take more time for God each day. Be more comfortable talking about Him with others.

Be a respectful, passionate, loving wife - Choose to love Derrick daily - and show him. Put his needs before my own. Pray for him fervently. Be patient and understanding. Appreciate him and respect him. Physically, spiritually, and emotionally love him. Be creative in sharing my love toward him. Be passionate in my love for him. Be positive and uplifting around him and when talking about him to others. Never belittle him or make him feel bad about himself, but encourage him. Do my best to be the Proverbs 31 wife.

Volunteer and help others  - I don't feel like I have given much back in my life. I am truly blessed, yet selfish. I hope to find a ministry, an opportunity, in which I can get plugged in and be involved in giving back. To others. To the community. To those in need. With the bigger picture in mind. I hope I can touch some lives and share my faith and God's grace with them in the process.

Be a good daughter, granddaughter, cousin, niece - Take time to really appreciate my family. And care about them.  Not making family an imposition, but opening up my home and my life to be shared. Loving them and sharing God's love and salvation with them through my actions. Making memories with them by making time to focus on them.

Make time for my friends and make memories with them - Be an encouragement and prayer warrior for them. Make time for dinners and date nights and holiday parties and cookouts, phone calls, texts and skype dates. God has given us each other (and our awesome significant others) to build each other up... I pray that I won't be selfish in my friendship with them. That I won't just use it for my own comfort, but that I will truly give of myself for my friends. Be there for them when they need me. Be selfless in my giving of time to them.

Get 10 people to read my book - touch 10 lives with my story - I don't necessarily want to make a lot of money off of my book, but I do want to share my story with others. I would like for others to be touched by the story of Victoria Ryan...and I want the talent and passion that God has given me not to be hidden...I need to use my love for words and characters and stories to help others.

Work - Go above and beyond at work...in representing Campbell and having a godly spirit in all that I do. Focus on making each event the best it can be. Reach out to students. Be a good mentor for my ambassadors. Come up with creative new initiatives. And face each day with a positive spirit.

Home - In 2012, I would like to build a deck out back for morning hot chocolate and evening cookouts. To plant some bushes out front and clean up the yard. Get some art for the kitchen and living room and spruce up the fireplace. Maybe I'll learn to be more crafty this year...but I want our home to be a safe haven for us and for all who enter. I would love to open up Derrick and my home for friends and family. Invite them over for dinner, have parties, celebrate holidays. I want our home to be a place of rest, of laughter, of refuge, and of ministry. 

Be more diligent about tithing - I am stingy with my money. And I often fall short when it comes to sharing my money with others...thinking that I need it more. Not taking the time to realize that the money is God's provision for me to use wisely.  I need to be diligent about tithing and giving- 10% or MORE. With a cheerful heart. 

Blog - Continue to share my heart through my words. Try to give words of wisdom, advice, and share my heart with you. Focus more on marriage, ministry, and practical advice.

Make memories - Go on adventures. Try new things. Eat at new restaurants. Splurge a little. Go out with friends. Drive with no destination in mind. Start traditions. Say "what the heck" sometimes. Be bold. Be willing to be embarrassed. Laugh a lot. Be passionate about life.  Make a difference. Make memories! 

I know it's a long list. I printed out the key point of each goal - and will hang it in my closet...to remind myself daily to make the most of each moment. To be positive. To love others. And to make time for what matters.

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