Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Within the Words

Books and CDs are two of my favorite things. And, while the rest of the world may be going to e-books and iTunes, I like to have the hard copy within my grasp. To touch it. Feel it. Own a piece of the art.

I still have a library card. And use it.

Today, I bought 10 books for $3.50 at a used book sale. I am excited to delve into each one.

Recently I needed a new devotion, so I searched and searched on Amazon until I finally decided on two - one about the women of the bible and one featuring practical ways to respect your husband. My total for these two books was around $20. I needed to add one more thing so that I didn't have to pay S&H. Brad Paisley's new CD came out that day, and I haven't had a new CD in a while.


I waited with anticipation for the arrival of my new stories, new challenges, new wisdom, new adventures. And they finally arrived. There is nothing like that moment when you open a book for the first time or hear the first few notes of a song. You are about to fall in love with new characters. Hear new stories. Travel to new places. Learn about yourself. Become a better person. Get lost in the music, the scenery...see the world or change your life. All in the words of a new book or the lyrics of a new song.

I can go to the Amish country (and I have many times). I can experience what it's like to be a widow after 9/11. I can be part of the Baxter family. I can fall in love a million times and live in a hundred different places.

I can learn about the differences in men and women. Hear many different voices of advice on respecting my husband. Prepare for my marriage. And become a better woman for my man.

I can spend 90 days with Jesus. Experience the life of Esther. Become acquainted with all of the women of the bible - and be a witness to their courage. Take a trip to heaven and see how the world ends - looking forward to being in the arms of Jesus.

I can fall in love with Ol' Alabama. Get marriage advice from Brad Paisley. Tear up when I think of everything that terminally ill children go through and everything St. Jude's does to help. Heck, I can even follow the life of a prostitute, go to Mexico, and find pride in where I come from.

Words can break hearts and mends hearts. Challenge and uplift you. Take you to the moon and back... There's nothing like the anticipation as the first few chords begin to play. Wondering if this will be your new favorite song, if this will be the one that makes sense of everything, the one that changes the moment.

There's something about reading a book or listening to a new CD that is like falling in love. Curious, at first. Anticipating and unsure. You learn something new and unexpected with every word. Your feelings rise and fall. And pretty soon you have a favorite song. Or a favorite chapter. The moment that you look forward to. Then you learn the words, memorize the story...it becomes comfortable. It's still magical but in the way that an old friend is magical and safe and warm and familiar. That is what music and literature is. It's falling in love over and over again.

So, to end this post, I say: Go fall in love.


  1. I am so all about hard copies too! You're definitely right in saying that there's nothing like it. I may end up buying those books too because they look like great reads!

  2. Three words:

