Friday, February 7, 2014

Praying through Proverbs 31

Prayer has always been a struggle for me. It's natural for me to talk to God throughout the day - in short "thank yous" or "be with me nows". But it's hard for me to have a focused, disciplined, meaningful prayer. 

Keeping a devotion and prayer journal has helped a lot. I'm a writer by nature - so having somewhere to record my prayers is good for me. Plus, I love going back and seeing answered prayers or growth in my relationship with God. 

I still don't often pray like I should. Two weeks ago, as I finished the book of Proverbs, I lingered in one of my favorite chapters in the bible - Proverbs 31. A chapter that I've read and studied and tried to emulate for years. 

This time, as I made a list of characteristics of the Wife of Noble Character, I decided to dedicate some time to praying through Proverbs 31. 
It was awesome. A relationship-changer; both with me and God and me and Derrick. 

I've included how I divided it by days below, adding a little detail on how I turned the verse into a prayer. I would encourage any woman reading this to take 9 days and give it a try. 

V. 11-12 
I prayed that I would be a wife that Derrick would have full confidence in, trust completely. That I would always bring him good and never harm. That I would be protected from temptation and use my words and actions to always support Derrick. 

V. 13-15
I prayed for the strength, energy and wisdom to work hard in all I do. And I prayed that I would use my skills and talents to provide for my home, my husband and those that God has given me to love on. 

V. 16-18
I prayed for wisdom in earning and spending money. For guidance in being a good steward. That I may use my career, my skills, my passions to provide financially. And I prayed for dedication to take care of myself - physically and otherwise - so that I might be prepared for the task at hand.

V. 20
I prayed that I would see those in need and have the heart to love them, reach out to them and give up my resources to care for them. That Derrick and I would have a heart for ministry together. And that God would open my eyes to ministries I can help.

V. 21-22
I prayed that I would always be prepared, and have a home and family so well-taken care of that we're ready for whatever may come our way. I also prayed that I would always dress appropriately and take care of my appearance as a representation of Derrick and our family. 

V. 23
I prayed for Derrick's job, his passions, his videos, his heart, his mind. For him to be able to find success and satisfaction in his work - and use his skills and talents to impact people for the Kingdom. 

V. 24-25
I prayed earnestly that God would grant me the grace, wisdom and skill set to provide for my family. That I would have such a heart for Christ and wisdom in providing and preparing - that the Green family could stand up against adversity and have joy in whatever comes our way. 

V. 26-27
I prayed that I would be someone others can trust. That I will have wise insight and speak caring and uplifting words to all around me, especially those in need of encouragement. I prayed that friends and family would find refuge in me and my home.

V. 29-31
 I prayed for my possible future children - and for preparation, strength, wisdom and joy as a mom. I prayed that I will take care of myself physically but focus on my relationships with God. That God will intervene in my life in a big way and use me as a wife and woman for Him. I prayed that I won't be full of myself but that I will be the kind of person that other's trust and admire. 

She is clothed with strength and dignity;
    she can laugh at the days to come.

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