Monday, June 25, 2012

"You down there..."

I knew I needed to blog today. It's been a while. But I had no strong inspiration. So I found one of those "20 questions about you..." type deals and was planning to post my answers. It wouldn't be a particularly inspiring blog, but hopefully at least a little interesting. Good enough.

But then it happened. God inspired me through a whisper...

Sometimes when Derrick and I are in different rooms...or sitting on different couches...we'll say "I love you in there.", "I love you over there.", "I love you out there.", etc. 

Tonight he was on his computer in his office and, since he likes me just being there with him, I had sprawled out on the floor in the same room to fold towels and do my James devotion. In the middle of my reading, I hear a whisper from above me.

"I love you down there." Derrick smiled down. Making me feel loved. Safe. Sure. 

"I love you up there." I assured him. 

And then - in that same split second - I knew what I should write about. 

Sometimes we're going through life...feeling alone. Frustrated. Confused. We feel like giving up. We feel like no one would notice if we just stopped altogether. And then, like a warm blanket on the coldest night, God softly whispers "I love you down there."

Sometimes we're celebrating our blessings. We're falling in love. Getting married. Having a baby. Landing our dream job. Traveling the world. Listening to our favorite song on the radio. Basking in the warmth of a good book. Laughing with the best of friends. And, if we pause a minute, we can hear God whispering, "I love you down there."

Isn't that the best feeling? To know that we are loved. Safe. Sure. Someone cared enough to send His Son to die for us. Someone cares what you're going through. Someone is going through it with you. And not just someone - but the Creator and King over all. 

Close your eyes and listen. He's whispering to you. Beckoning you. Reassuring you. Caring for you....

"I love you down there."

And take a moment to thank Him. Adore Him. Worship Him. Praise Him. Whisper back. 

"I love You up there."

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