Monday, July 8, 2013

Sizzling Summer Series: Companions

I took a break for Orientation, a conference in Philadelphia and a relaxing weekend with my hot husband. Now, I'm back. If you missed my first three posts on marriage and sex, take a minute to check 'em out: 

#1. Coming Content
#2. Communication
#3. Cause you love him...

 If you haven't read the other 3, here's what you should know before we dive in: 

I've joined forces with some of my best wifey-friends to write these posts.  Our thoughts, ideas and experiences are mixed in together -
 as one - so you will have no idea who is credited with what :)

1. We believe that God created sex as an act of love, intimacy and connection  (and baby making) between a husband and a wife within the union of marriage.
2. If you have had sex outside of marriage, we believe in a God who loves redeeming and restoring. 
3. We realize that our experiences aren't everyone's.  We also realize that we're all still pretty much in our newlywed stages so we aren't experts.  But it's our heart to share with you.

 Now, on to the importance of companionship.

This may seem out of place and PG compared to my last post (don't worry, the next one will spice things up again), but I promise it is important and very relevant... 

The ladies who have contributed to this series have been my friends since elementary, middle, and high school. It's rare and an amazing blessing only from God. We used to wonder how we’d fall in love, who we’d marry and what marriage would be like. We’ve been through a lot together – and talked through everything together.

For four years, we’ve been gathering in celebration of each woman’s upcoming marriage – in the form of a lingerie shower (or “panty party” as Derrick calls them).  And, on top of that, we’ve met every few months or more just to catch up, laugh together and talk through how things are going. These women inspire me, they encourage me and they – without even having to try hard – keep me accountable. I think my husband would say he’s very thankful that I have these women in my life – because they remind me of what it is to be a modest, kind, thoughtful and sexy wife. 

My hope is that you too have friends who you can talk to about anything. A group of ladies that you can laugh with, cry with and talk openly about things with (all of those hanging prepositions are killing me, but I'm just going to go with it...). Sometimes our conversations are silly, sometimes serious and sometimes downright blunt, TMI.

It’s so important to have a close female friends you can talk to about your struggles. Don't just accept the problem and bury it; find encouragement. Most of the time, you’ll find that you aren’t the only one who has struggled with a certain issue. Or you’ll find inspiration to move past that issue. And, when you’re in slump, they can give you confidence and creative ideas (our next post focuses on those ideas).

If you don’t feel like you have a group of godly women to talk with, talk to an older woman in your church or someone you look up to. Or let me know – I’d be happy to talk to you, pray with you or get you in touch with one of these other ladies to talk with. 

Don’t ever talk to someone of the opposite sex about the intimate aspects of your marriage, your husband’s flaws or struggles within your marriage. 

Is there someone who came to mind when reading this but you feel you've lost touch? Call them, send a text or facebook message...invite them out for coffee or dinner. Is there a new friend you'd like to get to know better? Now's the chance. Don't miss it. 

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