Friday, May 17, 2013

Friendship on fire.

 I'm sure you've heard that "love is friendship on fire". Maybe you like that idea, maybe you don't. But you don't really get it until you have it. 

I have a group of seven girl friends who I would consider my best friends. They have known me for years. We have grown up together. We have hurt together, laughed together, cried together. We act serious together and completely silly with each other. We are real and open with each other and sometimes we're not. We go on adventures together and have scrapbooks of memories together.

What I have with my husband is an unexplainably deeper version of that. He's the person I want to talk to. The person that I want to end my day with, just watching tv, playing video games, or sitting in the quiet next to one another. He's the person I get frustrated with and tell him so. He's the person that I'm seriously vulnerable with and crazy-silly with. We grasp hands and grow together. Hurt together, laugh together. We talk through things...and sometimes we just be and don't talk. He's my comfort-person. He is my absolute best friend. 

We were friends first. And then that friendship caught on fire. 

It makes me sad when married couples aren't best friends.When they don't have fun together. When they aren't for each other. When they don't want to talk about simple things and serious things. When they don't want to just do life together. 

Sure, best friendships have bumps in the road. Best friends hurt one another and get frustrated. Each friend is imperfect and brings those imperfections into the relationship.

But where romance and passion may fail, where legal documents may seem negotiable, where marriage may seem overwhelming, friendship overcomes. 

So, my single friends out there, don't look for Mr. Perfect. Just enjoy building those friendships...and, one day, you'll find yourself falling in love with your best friend.  You'll be laughing at a party or playing video games or watching your favorite movie on the couch or riding in a van to a TV studio in Garner...
,,,and you'll look over - and all of a sudden it all makes sense. 

Friendship on fire. 

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